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The Fabric Beehive

Knitting/Crochet Classes - Starbucks Neats Court

Knitting/Crochet Classes - Starbucks Neats Court

Regular price £5.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £5.00 GBP
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Our knitting and crochet classes are available to book as a group meet up. We will be on hand to teach and to chat about your on going projects. So whether you want to learn how to knit or crochet; or just have a natter with a good piece of cake! Everyone is welcome, kids too!  

We will have a little selection of our knitting and crochet supplies with us, so please feel free to have a nose! If there is anything specific you'd like us to bring along please drop us an email or message us on social media! 

You can select to have a starter kit provided. This kit will include a hook/needles and a ball of yarn. 

Class Location: Starbucks, Neats Courts, Queenborough 

Parking is available 

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